A group of tissues that performs a specific function is a(n) organ system. Perspiration is the substance produced by ceruminous glands. tissue. The cells producing the pigment responsible for skin color are the keratinocytes. 3. basophils. The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. 4. While the flow of blood through the blood vessels is uninterrupted, the transport of lymph fluid through the lymph vessel system is interrupted by lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs. All of the above. Which of these is not a component of blood? These particles, together with water, then travel through an intricate network of pre-collectors and larger lymph collectors and trunks back into the blood circulation via the venous angles. In 2004, his “Textbook for Comprehensive Lymphedema Management” was published, the second edition followed in 2009. "0":"")+sec; clck=(hrs>=12)? are produced by B-cells. */ document.write("Last Modified: " +isnDays[today.getDay()]+", "+isnMonths[today.getMonth()]+" " +today.getDate()+", "+getFullYear(today)+" "+clckh+":"+clckm+" "+clck+""); document.write(""); // don't delete this line // End hiding --> To receive additional information, contact Dr. Grass at jgrass@ccsf.edu "; answers[1] = "epidermis"; answers[2] = "vitamin B synthesis"; answers[3] = "keratin"; answers[4] = "melanocytes"; answers[5] = "pain receptors"; answers[6] = "arrector pili"; answers[7] = "sudoriferous glands"; answers[8] = "first-degree burn"; answers[9] = "basal cell carcinoma"; function getScore(form) { var score = 0; var currElt; var currSelection; for (i=0; inumChoi; j++) { currSelection = form.elements[currElt + j]; if (currSelection.checked) { if (currSelection.value == answers[i]) { score++; break; } } } } score = Math.round(score/numQues*100); form.percentage.value = score + "%"; var correctAnswers = ""; for (i=1; i<=numQues; i++) { correctAnswers += i + ". "
The bundle of smooth muscles associated with hair follicles is called orbicularis muscle. Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs. arrector pili. Trivia. Lymphatic System Quiz: How Much You Know? You got 24 minutes to finish the exam.
The main purpose of the blood vessels is the uninterrupted supply of all body tissues with nutrients and oxygenated blood, and the removal of metabolic waste and carbon dioxide from the tissue cells. The lymphatic system plays a very major role in the human body and one of the ways to help you learn the most about it is through these interesting quizzes. 6. What fluid fills the spaces between the cells as seen in the diagram as A?

the intact skin.

actin. arrector pili. "PM":"AM"; var stnr=""; var ns="0123456789"; var a=""; // End Hiding --> Human Anatomy and Physiology CCSF Home | Biology Home | Site Map Home Class Schedule Syllabus Lessons Quizzes Links Grass Home E-mail Dr. Grass   Quiz Chapter 4 Integumentary System 1. organism. Which of the following is not directly associated with the lymphatic pathway? A burn that involves the entire epidermis and some of the dermis is a first-degree burn. This system is tasked with the absorption and transport of fatty acids from the digestive system. lymphatic vessels. sebaceous bundle. Cell-mediated immunity is provided by macrophages. third-degree burn. Lymphatic dysfunction is a poorly working lymphatic system. melanocytes. squamous cell carcinoma. Perspiration is the substance produced by ceruminous glands. 2. 8. are scattered throughout the body. A group of tissues that performs a specific function is a(n) organ system. sebaceous glands. What is not a major player in the lympatic system? */ document.write("Last Modified: " +isnDays[today.getDay()]+", "+isnMonths[today.getMonth()]+" " +today.getDate()+", "+getFullYear(today)+" "+clckh+":"+clckm+" "+clck+""); document.write(""); // don't delete this line // End hiding --> To receive additional information, contact Dr. Grass at jgrass@ccsf.edu.

sebaceous bundle. holocrine glands. Lymphatic trunks merge to form two larger lymphatic ducts. The lymphatic system is charged with ensuring that the body's fluid levels are balanced and that immune cells are produced. All of the following are accessory organs of the skin EXCEPT hair nails pain receptors sweat glands. Cancerquest: Anatomy of the Lymphatic System, LymphNotes: Understanding the Lymphatic System. sudoriferous glands. The blood pressure in the veins is much lower, and the smooth musculature in their walls is not as well developed as it is in arteries. 4. subcutaneous layer. Which of the following cells produce antibodies?

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