There are no expectations with free will, just intentions and hopes. We speak in very neutral terms so as not to lay blame or prejudice on anyone.

Many of you can move through these physical symptoms showing up as dis-ease, or illness in a matter of months.

It merely is forcing you to pay attention. Word of mouth. It is a form of carrying places deep inside where you have not felt seen and acknowledged. Many ask, “When will the whole world know you exist? From a young age I have felt a strong urge to help those who suffer from the consequences of negative thinking patterns. You agreed for many lifetimes to contribute to this cause, and now we say, your agreement is complete. These are the times. Yes, dear souls, pay attention to the meridians the illness lays in your body. If you are reading my articles...I hope that they achieve just that for you. We do want to inform you that it will not last longer than one year. We ask you to examine your hearts, relinquish your fears, move towards what it is that will be most important. A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council. All words and images on this website are copyright protected by Star Street Press and Lia Shapiro. It is all astral. When a critical mass of awakened beings is reached (144,000 people), it will be the ‘second coming of Christ en masse‘. Flood your field with light. This is true power. Build what is divinely beautiful. But, now more than ever, it is important that you integrate the cosmic consciousness as part of your natural way of being. Another thing they were showing me was about silver and a nebulizer. Seeking information is Light Work. You want to believe that we know more, that we have something to share that will finally reveal it to you, but indeed we only express what you already know in a way that clarifies it, and you could say even reminds you. As you bring your consciousness to these places, you stop trying to be so good all the time, you become who you deeply long to be; who you really are. So breathe again into the heart now, and receive the energies that help you surrender to unconditional love of all, for in this it melts the pain you have been experiencing. We are one. If there were to be great destructions, and there will be some destructions along the lines of warrings, if that were to be the prevalent case upon the entire sphere, it would effect the cosmos so greatly, that in this case it cannot be allowed. Many of you are looking for blacks and whites and the universe exists in gray areas.

We, the Pleiadians have a healing tool, call the Karmic Containment Unit, which absorbs other people’s energy. Your name is signed on the bottom of it. The lack of love for humanity, for one another on this planet. Author Barbara Marciniak (Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians) is an internationally known trance channeler who speaks for a group referring to themselves as The Pleiadians. The economy will crumble because it cannot sustain, but it will not hurt you. The awakenees will need guidance for a short amount of time because of the energy that is available [but] the knowings will happen very quickly, then they, too, [will awaken and empower others]. 19.

This is like the first step. Own it. Know that you are surrounded by love and energy greater than at this point you can fathom. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. When we say "as a whole", there are no groupings that would be select over others. You are not on a ruined, doomed Earth reality. This is all part of the natural flow and process. This means you are here now to experience joy as your sole purpose. I just wish I could see the truth and the history for myself, Recent: THE YUCATAN HALL OF RECORDS/ THE ATLANTIS CONNECTION Full Movie video. We are collective energy. Keep your hearts open and welcome in the light and love. The channel has halted much writing as she received her upgrades for her own personal ascension in body. It is your human mind that does not enjoy it, but that it because it  puts a judgment on it. Starseed Messages. Literally see yourself taking them out of the body. Therefore we embrace the creativity of parallel and multiple realities. This does not mean you must leave body.

So great it is beyond your knowing, though a part of you knows that greatness and brings it to yourself. We send you our blessings, our dearly beloved friends. If you can order a nebulizer on Amazon, you might want to order one now.I also saw that you should take care of yourself, if you are sick, as if you have the flu, like:BrothRestSalt bathsLots of waterSleepand your vibration is very important.Avoid the news and getting caught up in scrolling on Facebook and being on that negative wheel. Bold Connections Unlimited Recent: The End of Energy Companies, and to Those that Control Them. Recent: What do you think about Immigration into Western countries? And so fall needs to come and the winter set to rest so that in spring there may be regrowth, revitalization and awakenings. To trust the self. All these events will motivate you towards something. Many of your hearts have been etherically wounded. You all need a rest and are due many rewards and celebrations. Is this a time when old ideas are being deleted and we are experiencing a rebirth. Earth is one of the last in the Pleiadian system to make this shift. However, at this time events are manifesting on your planet that are about to change all of that. This made us stay much longer than we had planned. But we would like to say that this comes from the shame on your planet of your human nature. Is one attached to your belief you are weaker than the “powers that were”, the people in control of the government? No more. That is why we say the awakenings are so important at this time. During this time of change, human beings need to evolve to the point where they are capable of communicating with the higher dimensions and star systems themselves. They can be removed, and we will walk you through the removal of these in a bit today. Cities of Light are places where entire populations are spiritually aware of evolution and the sacredness of all things. great honour and delight to have Pam Gregory interview the Pleiadians with your questions about the future of our world Things will come. We have committed to guide you on this time. Happy Thanksgiving! Embrace your personal power as pain shows up in any form as the reflection. One of the keys to this exposure and receptivity/readiness has to do with the people taking their power back from the larger organizations that hide things and keep things cloaked for greed purposes. We even guide you to place the hands on the heart right over left now, and intend to allow the lighter frequency to transmute your older creations that have merely been summoned to you to accept and melt into the heart. Put a Human Face on a Human Face and Whaddya Get? This is why Gaia, the sweet, grand being that is Earth, is reacting. They know exactly what to do and how to make modifications when they are necessary. We have many modes of transportation. Are you embracing all?,,, The Pleiadians – Align and Integrate with Us – 21 May 2014, The Pleiadians – You are Being Transformed – December 17th, 2013, The Pleiadians – It Was Always You – 21 September 2013, The Pleiadians: Your Physical Body is a Messenger for Your Ascension, The Pleiadians – Mind Control…Is it Real?- 27 April 2013, The Pleiadians – Releasing Negativity from Psychic “Attacks” – 26 April 2013, The Pleiadians – Why Do You Have to Experience Something First to Heal It? 13. No more we say. Keep merging all of them into your oneness for you are that grand of a being. We are joyously celebrating that WE DID IT! In responsibility, there is no….”  (Read more…). Simply get the mind to relax now and merge with the sacred space (which includes all things) where there is no judgement, only emptiness. We are here and we will step in if we must.

This is the first line.

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