I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. And if the people wanted him to serve another term, why shouldn't they be allowed to award him one? 2.Historically, few Presidents have wanted to, or actually could, take a third term, Only President Roosevelt served more than two terms in 225 years’ worth of Presidents. Helmut Kohl was chancellor for 4*4 years (he ran for a fifth time and lost) and Angela Merkel is in her third term and announced a candidacy for a forth one, stating that „the decision was not easy”. When Ronald Reagan was serving his 2nd term, some Republicans briefly floated the idea of removing term limits so he could run again. It wouldn't be a kind of automatism to push the unlimitedness to the end (as it wasn't before the amendment and also there are still primaries as there are after the first term) and it also wouldn't be an automatism to have a save victory for the current president running.

The pros and cons for congressional term limits would solve some of the problems that we see in Washington. Critics would argue there has never been a shortage of people qualified and willing to take on the job of U.S. president. List of the Pros of the Second Amendment. In total, a president is permitted to serve for 10 years, but only if they came into the office of the presidency by order of succession outside of an actual election. Furthermore, the amendment is based solely on distrust and fear which historically does not make for good policy. Even with these practices established, many Presidents and the government have decided and shaped United States politics by how they interpret and analyze the Constitution. In the case of Andrew Jackson, it was an anti-Native American prejudice which motivated him to start what we call today "the Trail of Tears". Chief among the arguments for a two-term limit for presidents is the idea that a president, more than any other elected official, has the capability of enjoying kingly status that could in essence make the presidency a lifetime appointment. This page intentionally left blank

"Respect for the tradition set by Washington aside, it is time to reopen the discussion of the merits of the 22nd Amendment in light of the 50 years of political turmoil it has created. Discussion about politics. Hitler came in, won the vote, but only the minority, so he passed the enabling act, and was supported, with some pushing and prodding The act gave him full legislative power, but for only four years, just enough to rebuild. The topics that I will address to you will be, should the 22nd Amendment be repealed and also should the foreign born be allowed to run for president. I like /u/Unskkblefaith's response to your question as asked, so this is more of a general response. They were being harshly persecuted and what money they earned went to paying of exuberant reparations – consequences for losing WW1. If a president is guaranteed to be forced out after eight years, the office would change based on the personalities in the office. A person may not agree with Mitch McConnell, but his district elects him each year. While there are certain benefits of restricted term limits, the otherwise undemocratic 22nd Amendment should be repealed. If a President can only rule for eight years, they can never indefinitely rig elections, or pursue blatantly irresponsible policies for short term gain over the course of decades (See: Venezuela, Turkey, Zimbabwe). The 20th and 22nd Amendment: H. Res. In Cuba, of all places, supporters can find an argument for the 22nd Amendment because of the decades-long leadership of Fidel Castro. On the other hand, amendment supporters argue that will make the president less likely to be tempted to hand out political favors, such as grants and subsidies to swing states, in an effort to get re-elected. If 2nd-term Presidents could run again, would they face such fervent objections from their own party's members of Congress? Pros And Cons Of The 22nd Amendment. When they succeeded in limiting the Presidency to 2 terms, they limited democracy itself. In an off-cycle election, the participation rate in some communities drops below 30%. "I think our people are to be safely trusted w/ their own destiny," Sen. Claude Pepper (D-FL) argued in 1947. In 1947, Sen. Harley Kilgore (D-WV) condemned the then-proposed 22nd constitutional amndt. US Citizens' Freedom to Vote Hindered: With the 22nd Amendment in effect, US citizens cannot vote a single president into office more than two times, even if a significant majority of the US voted for him/her. The president serves alone, and amendment supporters argue that makes the office more prone to insularity. It was proposed by Congress on June 16, 1960, and its ratification was certified on March 29, 1961. Blog. While this can cause a small shift in the court, depending on which seats are replaced, the swings are usually small. The inevitable passing of time always guarantees that the President, no matter who it is, must eventually vacant their office.

It wouldn’t be the same as having multiple political parties, but it would provide some diversity within the GOP and Democratic party, which could lead toward more centrism and compromise in the legislative efforts of Congress. Politely and informatively.

Corruption lies in the character of the president, not the length of the term. Help prevent this subreddit from becoming an echo chamber. Up until the early 1960s abortion was illegal. Term limits would change the perspective. The 22nd Amendment was approved by Congress in 1947 and ratified by a sufficient number of states in 1951. Members of Congress and the Senate do. None of the presidents prior to the Civil War ended slavery until Abraham Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclaimation" which was brought about mid-war out of necessity, not out of compassion, for the enslaved. Throughout the years, women have made major strides in society. “I declare that this dissertation is my own original work and has not been submitted elsewhere, wholly or partly, in the fulfilment of the requirements of this or any other award.

Historically, we all must remember that the poster boy of Fascism was elected, that is, Adolf Hitler. I agree with your first concern, and that's enough for me to support presidential term limits. Gardner earned his B.A. These amendments brought massive change through the introduction of Abolition of slavery, addition of equal protection under the law, and voting equality thus removing race discrimination while putting in some restrictions such as poll taxes and literacy tests.

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