", "They wouldn't be able to cope, Ianto.

Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood, it belongs to the BBC, unfortunately. Ianto smiled again. He answered, at last. ", "Okay," cut in Jack.

Torchwood pays for it all direct. But, God, does he look good in those suits! "You've seen the budget reports?

", "That's it! Summary: Jack comes back from Flat Holm to find that Owen and Tosh are still here. After coffee, the two men left the cabin and began to walk around the perimeter of the fence. Mais les retrouvailles sont stoppées par une crise de Jonah. Do some thinking about what you want out of all of this.". AN: Written for the dailyfics prompt table. De retour chez elle, Gwen relate toute l'histoire à Rhys. Aidant Gwen, Tosh découvre que sa disparition a eu lieu pendant un « pic négatif » de l'activité de la brèche, ce qui signifierait que des gens peuvent aussi traverser la brèche depuis Cardiff. Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood, it belongs to the BBC, unfortunately. Just then, they heard the most awful sound. Dressed, he stepped over to the nearest workstation, Tosh's, and looked over the readouts. Jack put his hand in his pocket, taking out a bag of sweets. ", "Really, sir, your lack of faith in my abilities is insulting. His clothes had been folded haphazardly and placed on the table next to him. They backed out of Will's cabin slowly, so as not to spook him. Pointing at him. Or they are so traumatised by an event that society can't find a place for them. Copy and paste the following code to link back to this work (CTRL A/CMD A will select all), or use the Tweet or Tumblr links to share the work on your Twitter or Tumblr account. "I'm sorry about earlier. He captured Ianto's lips in a long sensuous kiss. Are you prepared to do that? Engulfed in the flames. Ordered, a part of his mind told him. Ianto shook his head. Ianto didn't realize he was crying until Jack's hand landed heavily on his shoulder and startled him out of the daze he was in, lost in the memories of Flat Holm and its residents. People staring. He went to a hospital to recover and recuperate, but he was too traumatised and couldn't adjust. Series: Torchwood: Series 1, The Flat Holm Stories. He glanced at the closed doors on either side of the hall and came to the conclusion that this was Jack's personal area of the Hub, the one that everyone assumed existed but had never seen.
Jack gunned the engine and headed out towards the coast just outside of Cardiff. I fell asleep, Ianto thought angrily.

About what you want, that kind of thing. I was wondering if you wanted to come along. Cited as the most southerly point in Wales, the island of Flat Holm was originally a retreat for monks, and used for a santuary for many people over the centuries.
"Come on, stretch out against me. Gwen découvre que de nombreuses personnes dans Cardiff ont disparu dans des conditions similaires. "I think we'll grab a quick coffee before we go round the compound.". ", "Once a month unless someone comes back through. "Last one who tried, cut himself to pieces.

To see for myself, before I make up my mind, you understand. That's when Torchwood step in.". Bled out before we found him. It wasn't until Jack was away and Ianto had to take over dealing with Flat Holm onto his duties, as no-one else on the team knew, that they became something more. Enjoy! Location: Flat Holm. The Horror of Flat Holm was a video game released by Tiny Rebel Games in November 2019, as part of Doctor Who: Infinity. He stepped into the shower stall with Jack and began massaging Jack's neck and shoulders as Jack leaned against the tiles in front of him. "Looks like you picked something up while you were on the island. With a guilty start, Ianto put the book back on the shelf and hurried to follow Jack down a corridor. ", Margaret thought for a moment. All Ianto had seen up to that point was the bedroom and bathroom below Jack's office, and he knew he was one of the select few to even be allowed down there. Calling him names." https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Horror_of_Flat_Holm_(video_game)?oldid=2984224. Flat Holm. You'll want to wear something warm. ", "This is my fault," Jack said. "Poor sods.

", "If I bring you in on this, Ianto, you'll need to keep it from the others. "Well, maybe it is…" Ianto admitted. She finished unpacking the holdall, handing it back to Ianto. Paper, envelopes, pens. Jack shifted, giving Ianto more room to work with. She's not back yet, is she? That he's even willing to try this soon should be a good sign. ", Ianto looked around at the other cabins and sighed aloud. Cette histoire tourne peu à peu à l'obsession pour Gwen, ce qui déstabilise Rhys. "If you're not doing anything this afternoon, I'm going over to Flat Holm Island. "How's Will?" In an alternate timeline in which John Hart took control of the British Empire and the Torchwood Institute, a doctor served at the island of Flat Holm. "I'll stay. "On the contrary, now is exactly the time to have this conversation." Jack tossed his towel on the floor and disappeared through the door towards the library and his other rooms, leaving Ianto alone in the bathroom with a feeling of rats crawling around in his stomach from the anxiety of everything that had just happened. He looked up. Only Suzie even knows the place exists, and she wants nothing to do with it. Is he angry? It was fortified in Victorian times and in the Second World War, and is now designated a Site of Scientific Interest, and is a nature reserve. Summary: Ianto's thoughts on Flat Holm. (11/2012). The peculiar nature of the sinking of the Glyndwr had the Brigadier request the assistance of a troop led by Sergeant Benton, along with Captain Mike Yates and zoologist Charlie Guarneri. Not counting the ones for personal use, of course.". ", "Which sorts of patterns are we talking about? Ianto watched every move his Captain made and smiled to himself, then put on the CCTV and watched him walking to the lift and from there into the Hub. "We'll radio him when we're ready to come back.". What is Jack going to do with Ianto Jones after he discovers his assistant (and sometimes lover) is hiding a half-converted Cyberman in the basement? "My favourite man comes to visit me. Before he could change his mind, he darted in and began licking, exploring. "So how does Margaret get supplies, laptops, computers, wine …..", "The boat we came over on brings what she needs. Ianto resisted the urge to pull back. "I want to help. ", Jack turned and settled onto the couch, crossing his legs and resting his arms along the back of it. I shouldn't have freaked out about it. Ianto had left for home immediately afterwards, on shaky legs, leaving Jack to clean up the mess. "We keep doing this, you'll find that I don't sleep much." Flat Holm Island. Jack shucked off his clothing as he walked, dropping his greatcoat over a chair in the library and leaving his boots at the door. It was either here or prison." Informant Jack, celui-ci lui répond qu'on ne peut rien faire contre ces disparitions et demande à Gwen d'arrêter son enquête, ce qu'elle refuse de faire. Ianto hazarded. Your review has been posted. "And we should talk about it when you're better. ", "I'll try it again, if you want," Ianto said hesitantly.

Suddenly, I'm not in the mood anymore." "Will, it's Captain Jack Harkness. "Let's go see Will, shall we?". "I was a naughty girl. "I always bring him sweets. Then he went back up to Jack's office, leaving the holdall there. "It's not any cleaner in here, you know. I….felt sorry for them. He kissed Ianto's forehead. Deezer : musique en streaming gratuite. Walking through, he waited for Ianto to follow and then relocked it. Jack motioned to the young man with him. Smiling, Ianto moved around the counter, locked the door, shut down the computer, and went down to the Hub's kitchen to make his usual round of coffee for the day. They're unrelated events, but for Ianto Jones, they lead to an epiphany, and set him on the road to healing from the events of Canary Wharf. Nothing left of him." Depuis, il se met à hurler 20 heures par jour. Ianto hadn't disappointed, either. When will you get it through your thick skull that not all men in this century are comfortable with rimming? And you've barely done anything with Ianto yet!

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