It is the practice of the Church (Acts.2:41), 6. baptise infants. “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” ( John 1:12). To walk in the newness of Christ (Rom.6:5). In infant baptism, an adult believes for the infant, because it has no ability to believe. During the service of dedication, the parents present their child in church. The Baptist and Pentecostal churches, and some Anglican churches, practise Believer’s Baptism. Baptism, a command of the Lord signifies the following: 1. It is the fulfillment of the righteousness of God (Matt.3:15), Baptism is for those who have accepted Jesus as their personal savior and have committed to become the disciples of Jesus. 7. A goldsmith does not pronounce any metal as gold by its outside color. accept that a person needs to be able to claim Jesus as their personal saviour. Some churches believe that there is special authority and power for the sacraments. 28:16-20; Mark 16:15,16), 3. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.” (Rom.2:28,29). ii., ch. 7:30), 2. He must first test it with a touchstone. Believer’s baptism involves a person hearing the gospel, accepting Christ as Savior, and choosing to be baptized. But the correct translation says that we have first make them disciples and thereafter they are baptized. The celebration of baptism is a way of showing that this belief exists and the person wishes to be totally committed to the will of God.

The Ethiopian eunuch's baptism by immersion clarifies to us the stand and practice of the early church. churches baptise people when they are adults and able to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to be baptised. In the  early church the apostles and the ministers had baptized only those who had a personal repentance experience. One has to believe in the Gospel, which is preached. This is because they have a different understanding of baptism.

St. Irenseus (140-205) writes: “He came to save all who through Him are born again unto God; infants, and children, boys and youths, and elders” (Adv. 5. If you have not yet obeyed this very meaningful and holy command of our Lord, I pray that you will submit to do so without any delay. Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. In the Old Testament we have evidence that when the child of David died, he hoped to see the child again in heaven. One among the two sacraments of the New Testament Church is Baptism - a much debated topic in the History of Christianity. If maturity and knowledge is necessary for ordination and marriage, how much more maturity and knowledge is needed for baptism. All these evidences from the Bible and the practice of the church make it clear that believers’ baptism is Biblical while infant baptism is unbiblical. Many denominations baptise infants. They do, however, often have a short service of dedication within a regular Sunday service to mark the birth of a baby.

During the service of dedication, the parents present their child in church. The Bible never attests this doctrine.

Christian denominations that practise infant baptism include Anglicans such as the Church in Wales,Catholics, Presbyterians and Orthodox. To clothe ourselves with Christ (Gal.3:27).

“And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him.

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