[14], Unlike the other Austen heroes who are either part of the gentry, the aristocracy or the Church of England, Captain Wentworth is a self-made man who has become rich via prize money won at sea, allowed to those who served in the Royal Navy of that era.

Critics have been concerned with the "personal" quality of the novel and the problems it poses for biographical interpretation; with the obvious unevenness in narrative structure; with the "poetic" use of landscape, and the hovering influence of Romantic poetry; with the pervasive presence of Anne Elliot's consciousness; with new effects in style and syntax; with the "modernity" of Anne Elliot, an isolated personality in a rapidly changing society. Anne's father, Sir Walter, and her older sister, Elizabeth, maintained that Wentworth was no match for an Elliot of Kellynch Hall, the family estate.

Lady Russell admits she was wrong about Wentworth and befriends the new couple. They have fallen into debt due to Sir Walter’s extravagant spending, and under the counsel of Lady Russell and Mr. Shepherd the family lawyer they rent their estate to Admiral and Mrs. Croft and move to Bath.

Litz then gives the final version by Austen: "I found", said he, "that I was considered by Harville an engaged man! In this essay I will discuss how in Persuasion Jane Austen portrays society where, despite conservative resistance, change is underway and how true moral values, can achieve recognition. Jane Austen's anxieties about persuasion and responsibility are here passionately expressed.

Lady Russell – An old friend of the late Lady Elliot and the godmother of Anne, of whom she is particularly fond. The first advertisement appeared on December 17, 1817. Beer writes that for Austen and her readers, persuasion was indeed "fraught with moral dangers";[1]:xv she notes particularly that Austen personally was appalled by what she came to regard as her own misguided advice to her beloved niece Fanny Knight on the very question of whether Fanny ought to accept a particular suitor, even though it would have meant a protracted engagement.

She was the intimate friend of the mother and has watched over the three sisters since their mother died. Persuasion is Jane Austen’s last completed novel. As executor to Mrs Smith's husband's will, Mr Elliot takes no actions to improve her situation. He gained prize money as a lieutenant and was promoted to commander (thus called Captain).

She is instrumental in Sir Walter's decision to leave Kellynch Hall and avoid financial crisis.

The arrival of Mrs. Croft stirs powerful memories for Anne, as she is the sister of Captain Wentworth.

Mary is married to Charles Musgrove of nearby Uppercross Hall, the heir to a respected local squire. "[11], Although the impact of Austen's failing health at the time of writing Persuasion cannot be overlooked, the novel is strikingly original in several ways. Captain Wentworth is impressed with Anne, but feels guilty about his actions with Louisa, causing him to re-examine his feelings for Anne. [17] At the time, there was a widespread belief that Britain had defeated France despite the debauched Prince Regent rather than because of him, and Kelly argued that a character like Sir Walter – who did nothing to defeat Napoleon – attacking someone like Wentworth was Austen's way of expressing her frustration at the Prince Regent taking all the credit for defeating Napoleon. [35] Pinch wrote that Austen returned to this theme of the power of books on women in Persuasion, but in a more mature and probing manner, where as the novel is concerned with "... what it feels like to be a reader. To be the stand-in motive for another's actions frightens her. The main characters of this classics, fiction story are Lady Russell, Charles Musgrove. She overhears a conversation in which Louisa tells Captain Wentworth that Charles Musgrove first proposed to Anne, who turned him down. She keeps abreast of the doings of Bath society through news she gets from her nurse, Rooke, who tends the wife of a friend of William Elliot's. When Mr Elliot sees Anne by chance and learns she is Sir Walter's daughter, his interest is piqued: if he could marry Anne, his title and inheritance likely would be secured because her father would be less inclined to disinherit his daughter. Tave applies Woolf's insight to Persuasion when he continues: "All histories are against you, Captain Harville says to Anne in their disagreement about man's nature and woman's nature, 'all stories, prose and verse.' His wife passed away fourteen years ago, leaving behind three daughters: the youngest daughter, Mary, is married to the wealthy Charles Musgrove.

The first edition of the novel was published in 1817, and was written by Jane Austen. Readers of Persuasion might conclude that Austen intended "persuasion" to be the unifying theme of the story as the idea of persuasion runs through the book, with vignettes within the story as variations on that theme.

Anne still loves Captain Wentworth, so each meeting with him requires preparation for her own strong emotions. Teachers and parents!

Rumours circulate in Bath that Anne and he are attached. [26] Captain Wentworth, tries to hide his feelings, at one point protesting that Anne's "power with him was gone forever" a little too vehemently to suggest the precise opposite. When Persuasion was published posthumously in 1818, only a small circle of people knew of and admired Jane Austen's novels.Since that date, however, Austen has come to be one of the world's most widely read and most beloved authors. Indeed, the narrative winds through a number of situations in which people are influencing or attempting to influence other people – or themselves. Anne and Captain Wentworth finally enjoy a mature marriage with an appreciation and tenderness enhanced by their long years apart.
Once Anne and Captain Wentworth marry, he helps Mrs Smith recover her lost assets. At the time, he had no fortune and uncertain prospects, but owing to his achievements in the Napoleonic Wars, he advanced in rank and in fortunes. Mary Musgrove – The youngest daughter of Sir Walter, married to Charles Musgrove.

Benwick's enjoyment of reading gives him a connection with Anne as does her willingness to listen to him in his time of deep sadness. They both admire the Romantic poets.

I had been unguarded. Whatever her intentions might have been, Austen spoke of the novel as The Elliots, according to family tradition, and some critics believe that is probably the title she planned for it.[7].

She refuses to become part of the machinery with which Fanny is manoeuvering herself into forming the engagement.

[27] Realizing that Wentworth is listening in, Anne says "All the privilege I claim for my own sex (it is not a very enviable one, you need not covet it) is that of loving longest, when existence or when hope is gone". The story begins seven years after the broken engagement of Anne Elliot to then Commander Frederick Wentworth. In a letter to her niece Fanny Knight in March 1817, Austen wrote that she had a novel "which may appear about a twelvemonth hence. She and her father regard Anne as inconsequential. Sir Walter Elliot, Bt. It is the first of Austen's novels to feature as the central character a woman who, by the standards of the time, is past the first bloom of youth.

The book has been awarded with , and many others. Since that date, however, Austen has come to be one of the world's most widely read and most beloved authors. Anne fell in love with Wentworth but was persuaded by her mentor Lady Russell to reject his proposal because of his poverty, uncertain future, and Anne's youth. Eight years ago, Anne and Captain Wentworth fell in love and were engaged to be married; however, Lady Russell, who believed the match to be foolish and unsuitable, as Captain Wentworth had no fortune or rank, persuaded Anne to break off the engagement.

If I loved a man, as she loves the Admiral, I would be always with him, nothing should ever separate us, and I would rather be overturned by him, than driven safely by anybody else".
In its original version, the manuscript stated: He found that he was considered by his friend Harville an engaged man. It does so by connecting this feeling to what the presence of other people feel like. They rent their home to an Admiral and his wife. [28] The narrator notes that after saying this "She [Anne] could not immediately have uttered another sentence; her heart was too full, her breath too much oppressed". Lady Russell, acting in place of Anne's late mother, persuaded her to break the engagement, which Lady Russell saw as imprudent for one so young. But such summaries, even tentatively offered, only distort. [19] In its turn, the narrowness of vision and taste on both the Musgroves and Sir Walter served to highlight the heightened state of Anne's consciousnesses. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of.

Chapter 1. Persuasion has been the subject of several adaptations, including four made-for-television adaptations, theater productions, radio broadcasts, and other literary works.

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