There are some discrepancies in when the astrological ages begin and end. According to different versions of this legend, either Aphrodite and Eros turn into fish, two fish approach them and swim them away to safety, or they turn into fish AND two other fish take them to safety. Pisces helps Taurus to stay in touch with life’s mysteries and to not become too materialistic. Their feet may be rather long, sensitive, and well-developed, with flexible finger-like toes. Pisces, however, are happiest keeping many of these qualities under wraps.

Depicted in 14th century Arabic manuscript, Book of Wonders. Since Jupiter likes to expand and affirm belief and faith, this house speaks to the opportunities that are available to us when we feel we belong to a loving community. It also echoes the joy and gifts that Jupiter can provide by inviting us to indulge in pleasures and creativity. Nobody can respect you if you do not respect yourself first.

Associated with the Goddess of love, Aphrodite, Pisceans are a mysterious and creative lot who love to fantasize and strive to turn their dreams into reality. In studying the Piscean personality, we can use the faces of the Two Fishes to fine-tune the flavor and nuance of planets or points placed within these decanic degrees. Though we can be taught, we like to seek out our own answers to life’s questions. It’s a difficult but awakening process. Lastly, there are often questions as to the relevance of the mythology of Pisces in reference to Christian mythology. It depicts contentment, satisfaction, and can symbolize a wish coming true. Some potential weaknesses in the Pisces archetype are rooted in their great strengths. This parallels the entering into the Age of Pisces.[25]. Naturally compassionate and empathic, Pisces are wired to offer spiritual and artistic gifts to the world.

Her thoughts and dreams change like the currents. Those with strong Two Fishes placements in their charts can be found in creative professions of all kinds. Sage has many culinary and medicinal uses that are especially supportive of Pisces. You are strong enough and capable enough to take care of your problems on your own. A person might be truly in love with you, but you might be so emotionally needy and so clingy that it turns his love into a deep and profound sense of annoyance and irritation. Phlegm, however, can be the source of imbalance for the phlegmatic constitution, often overproduced when Pisces falls ill or becomes inactive. You would be surprised as to how much happier you would be. In Jupiter’s nocturnal sign, she has access to unique resources that help her deliver some of her most positive gifts and expressions.

There also may be a suppression of anger, and an aversion to confrontation.

This is a powerful placement for Jupiter since Pisces is this benevolent planets’ nocturnal domicile. In both myths, the helpful fish were made into the Pisces constellation.

Pisces is the 12th sign in the Zodiac and represents those born between Feb. 20 and March 20.. Pisces is the fishes.

Follow Zodiac Signs & Astrology by @out_for_a_walk_b7tch. Degrees 20 through 29 of Pisces are ruled by assertive and driven Mars.

God amazes me because water has so many purposes already but it can also be used to gain peace of mind !! , NOTE: As a Pisces woman, being near the water is like healing to me. Pisces’ personality traits are derived from its receptive, feminine, or yin qualities, making this sign oriented toward contemplation and engagement with inner awareness.

In fact, your clingy nature repels people. They are afraid to access that part of themselves that not only can make them live life to their highest potential, but demand actions to making that happen. Inside the egg was Aphrodite (as her Syrian counterpart Ashtarte). Scorpio is the more daring of the two, inspiring Pisces out of its comfort zone. Pisces Traits – Unraveling the Mysterious Water Sign. At the very least, you create a very welcoming and nurturing environment around you. The liver, being Jupiter’s organ, is also in need of protection and care.

You are the most supportive signs in the Zodiac when it comes to your man and he will delight that you are always there to applaud his victories and kiss his boo-boos.

She’s inuitive. Pisces women are deep, mysterious, sexy, intelligent and captivating. Though we like to submit, we like control. This is all well and good, but do not ever underestimate your intellectual capacity. The phlegmatic temperament was thought to be connected to moisture and fats in the body and the production of phlegm, which lubricates tissues and protects these from infection. Though they share a mutable mode, they are different in every other way. I am talking about the essence of womanhood.

Pisces season in the western tropical zodiac begins on February 19, commencing the final phase of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, it is important to be in the moment and enjoy fortune while it lasts.

Well, the truth is women are afraid to access their goddess personality. The variation in the "Age of Pisces" is said to be from AD 1 until AD 2150, AD 498 to AD 2654, and 100-90 BC until AD 2680 according to the interpretations of Neil Mann, Heindel Rosicrucian, and Shephard Simpson, respectively. Pisces reminds Capricorn of its mystical side, and Capricorn helps Pisces materialize its unique ideas. You need to step away from that mindset. The awe-inspiring and innovative themes surrounding Neptune’s discovery lend themselves to how Neptune earned its significations and connection as a modern sub-ruler to imaginative Pisces. Pisces is in polarity with the mutable earth sign Virgo.

Let her beautiful, far fetched dreams meet your practical, realistic logic somewhere in the middle and the two of you can do passionate damage in the world. By most accounts, the mythology of Pisces follows a single legend: In this Greek myth, the monster Typhon descends upon Mount Olympus, threatening all of the gods and goddesses, who flee from their home (with a couple key exceptions).

While the astrological sign Pisces per definition runs from ecliptic longitude 330° to 0°,[8] this position is now mostly covered by the constellation of Aquarius due to the precession from when the constellation and the sign coincided. Leo and Pisces also do not share anything modally or elementally in common. It does, however, bring extra moisture to the body, which can present as a build-up of gasses and congestion. Pisces Woman and Capricorn Man Love Compatibility, Know that they need you more than you need them.

Though natives from this sign are tender and sympathetic, they may take certain comments too much to heart and get easily wounded emotionally.
Pisces’ constitution has another layer that makes it unique, which comes from Jupiter’s traditional rulership over this sign. They are here to remind us that everything is sacred and that we all hold a spark of the divine within. It’s a rather mysterious card that is not always immediately positive but can help us find clarity and a path toward authenticity. Here is the Pisces woman’s guide to being a goddess that men worship and adore.

She’s a feeler and an avid thinker.

Depicted in a 14th western British Book of Hours, Twelfth astrological sign in the present zodiac, This article is about the astrological sign. This could appear as a poetic and epic use of language, and a quest for truth in meaning in all intellectual endeavors.

If you're picking up what I'm putting down, you can check out my other articles and my Astrology & Mythology collections here: My Articles by @out_for_a_walk_b7tch. Even more so, their signs form a square aspect to each other in the zodiac, which can hint at friction. One way or another, the two escape from Typhon thanks to two fish. Being very Jupiterian, it tends to grow abundantly, and its tea and tinctures help calm the nervous system and stimulate bile to help promote fat digestion and liver function. She needs time to sort out her feelings then she’ll gladly tell you what’s up. This can be a bit of an unusual combination, since Mars is a warrior planet, and Pisces is soulful and sensitive.

[34], Venus exalted in Pisces is representative of divine love in the first canto of Dante's Purgatorio. You are here to remind the rest of us of the mystical magic and esoteric ways of the universe. Many people associate Pisces with dreams and secrets, and it’s a fair association, since those born under this sign feel comfortable in an illusory world. Ruled by Jupiter, Pisces likes to seek, expand, and dissolve boundaries, where Virgo, ruled by Mercury, likes to organize the material world, focus on fine details, and seek perfection. Fire signs have a directness and intensity that these gentle natives may find overwhelming. She is deep and sometimes dark like the ocean’s depth but at times she is light and free from the world like the shallow parts of the water that meet your feet in the sand. As a mutable sign, Pisces holds adaptive, fluid, and shape-shifting qualities. Pisces with Pisces potentially have the most affinity and understanding between them, however, they may be so much alike that they get lost in a world of their own making. Really, that is all you are doing. Lemon balm is a Pisces herbal ally, with a calming, aromatherapeutic fragrance and qualities that clear the liver and promote digestion.

Degrees 10 through 19 of Pisces are ruled by Jupiter. The fish is often used in Christian symbology to represent Jesus Christ. You know exactly what to say and when to say it. Working with and accepting that reality is multifaceted by nature will help us release a need to control the outcome, or project our unrealistic desires onto our circumstances. The “Indolence” card hints at a crisis of stagnation, symbolizing “Pisces is calm but stagnant water; and Saturn deadens it completely…” (Book of Thoth), The 9 of Cups corresponds to the second decan or face of Pisces. This is a complementary pairing that is innately intuitive, creative, and otherworldly.

Vulnerability is not her strong suit. At the end of the day, they can rest on the fact that somebody will bail them out.

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