From the steps leading up from Priory Street the first thing you notice, besides the magnificent new cathedral building, is the bold and striking sculpture depicting the triumph of Archangel Michael over the Devil. Art Fund aims to improve the services we offer. Licensing images supports Tate. These cookies are necessary for our website to operate. Please set all privacy options to continue.

These cookies enable us to improve the online services and experiences we offer you, by allowing us to monitor the number of visitors to our website and how they navigate it. Does this text contain inaccurate information or language that you feel we should improve or change? Cookies and similar technologies allow us to better understand your needs and improve your experience on our website. The Daily Mail newspaper asked: ‘Is this a miracle or a monstrosity?’, The sculpture, carved from a monolith of English alabaster stands on its own integral base.

© Art Fund 2019. Jacob is depicted with his eyes closed and head thrown back; the angel is holding him in a tight grasp, as if squeezing his last breath If the scriptural narrative of Jacob wrestling with the angel presents the reader with a series of tensions—Jacob prevails (32:25, 27) but the angel strikes the final blow (vv.31–2); the angel wounds Jacob (v.32) and the angel blesses Jacob (v.29); the angel is called both a man (vv.24–5) and the one by whom Jacob sees God face to face (v.30)—Epstein does not resolve those tensions so much as invite the beholder to contemplate them visually. In the morning, the assailant reveals himself to be an angel and blesses Jacob for not abandoning the struggle. This work was carved in the middle of the Second World War and is a deeply personal work on the part of the artist who shared its hero's name. account, The IP address from which the device accesses a client’s website or mobile application, Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application, Remember your login details and store your preferences, Create a better, more personalised experience, Help us understand how people interact with our website and how this could be improved, Make our advertising and communications efforts more efficient with measurement and targeting. By size and weight, Jacob and the angel are equals, and yet that equality, like all the tensions structuring this encounter, underscores their more fundamental inequality: that Jacob was never a match for this angel. (Evelyn Silber, The Sculpture of Jacob Epstein with a Complete Catalogue, Oxford 1986, p.54). 32Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the sinew of the hip which is upon the hollow of the thigh, because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh on the sinew of the hip.

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The New Art Gallery Walsall ‘Jacob and the Angel’ was created in 1941 by Jacob Epstein in Expressionism style.

The figure of a flying "demon-angel" was carved on three sides of a rectangular block, stylistically resembling Assyrian monumental sculpture. Please set a password below.

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