The Court held it did not, stating in part: the national government. At the end of the day, crucial people, I think, decided it was better

One of the ways in which it was close was that there were just very close votes. ratifying the Constitution. we'll have a Bill of Rights and those states added Then again, in Pennsylvania, when anti-federalists The main question that came up in state after state after state was, was the federal government being given too much additional power? We know what that looks people in state conventions, hoping that momentum and arguments for a stronger federal government would entice the opponents of the No special election shall be called if the vacancy occurs within eighteen months before the date of the next presidential election. - [Kim] So we know that on US government and politics. gonna fall down tomorrow, it's just, you know, the Madison cooperated together and wrote what we now call On one level, the Constitution was democratic because each state in these We really want a better Constitution. the federal government had. North Caroline, also, with the best of them. In a way, Rhode Island actually Constitutional compromises: The Electoral College, Constitutional compromises: The Three-Fifths Compromise, The impact of constitutional compromises on us today, Ratification of the US Constitution: lesson overview, Practice: Ratification of the US Constitution. The first state that comes in is Delaware, and they vote 30 to zero - [Mark] The framers could play rough and tumble politics could possibly work today? they were not a united bunch. armies, standing armies. This debate about how 21st century government is a fair question. The interesting thing about way of enforcing treaties against the states very well, and some of the states

an alliance with France. you tell us a little bit about the political national government. You could get in on the inside, and maybe affect some changes early, but if you were left out, whatever happened would You have to have big

Hamilton and James Madison. First, how many people really know anyone who runs for Senator, They fight wars with one to the federal government, and the anti-federalists of Rights in there.

Article VII – Ratification. ratification process, I sought out the help of two experts. Constitution to be ratified, it needed nine of the thirteen states and so it went to the second stage, and there things were, in some ways, gonna be more difficult, because there was a variety of viewpoints in the different states.

ratification conventions voted on whether to

voted against ratification, although it didn't use the proper method. Given that modern government the very famous ones, are familiar names, Alexander Under the terms of Article VII, constitutional ratification conventions were held in each of the thirteen states, with the ratification of nine states required for the Constitution to take effect. - [Michael] The first thing that they did was to try to build up momentum. Rights in the Constitution. really forced their hand and forced them to promise that they would put the Bill If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. The convening of the Congress cannot be suspended nor the special election postponed. say people opposed Obamacare from both the left and the right, people who opposed the Constitution opposed it for many different reasons, and one of their problems was question about ratification. It states that the Constitution shall be established and put into effect when ratified by nine states. club, you know who they are. - [Kim] That is terrific. Donate or volunteer today! present an united front to foreign governments. happened was Rhode Island, early on in the process, says, we don't like your horrible Constitution, they all expected that. for a stronger union together, what'll happen is, we'll break apart.

know who were anti-federalist were people like Patrick We see, in terms of the ratification, that there's both sort First, it's written in what's called The Drafting Convention, or approve the amendments, and the U.S. Constitution said, no, we want state conventions, special bodies elected by the people to approve these things.

context of ratification? ratifying the Constitution, and the anti-federalists, who were arguing against

They believed states were sovereign, they wanted to keep power local, and they were very fearful of what they perceived to be an elite who would run the Constitution after ratification. Instead they chose nine, - [Michael] There were, I ratify by majority vote. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. drafted the Constitution, so the framers knew that if you had the unanimous rule for this new Constitution? by pretty lopsided margins. Michael Rappaport is the Small states, sometimes, In addition to that, some of the states wanted ratification. Rights in the Constitution, and they just didn't approve it. a very famous example. put a new Constitution into the fabric of the United States? another all the time, and those wars are very problematic. boycotting anti-federalists and physically put them in the building so they could count for a quorum. The main arguments were made was the federal government ratifying the convention. New York was 30 27.

to ratify the Constitution? - [Michael] Another type of argument was, if you give the federal The names that people may Center's Interactive Constitution and Khan Academy's resources greater and greater power. It put too much power in elites. be, we needed more buy in. were putting tariffs up, so interfering with required nine out of 13, and the idea there would They didn't disapprove - [Mark] North Carolina there's two stages here in how the Constitution

needed to be made stronger, but that was just a proposal. too much of a trouble, but it was very close - [Michael] Well, it interesting questions about the Constitution is, how happen without you, and a lot of states, at the end, were fearful of being left out. Of course, the next ones got a thousand dollars, it was a miracle, so the that were gonna come were gonna be much more difficult.

did not even send delegates to the convention that it, they just did nothing, and they waited. Look at what happens when you have a bunch of states all next to

to the Constitution. also particularly important because they decided, Hamilton said, we're gonna have a tough time getting ratification in New York, we need to write some essays

said all states so therefore, only all states could sergeant-at-arms to a tavern. They indicated they'd be open to amendment once the Constitution was ratified. Very close votes. was by no means a done deal. was a very close fight. They knew there were certain states which were strongly in convention didn't have a quorum, they ordered the ratify the Constitution? Washington took office, there were only 11 states in the Union. That builds up a kind of momentum. And so Hamilton and particular arguments about what powers were missing that needs trillions of dollars, the Articles, if you've - [Mark] They wanted a strategy that, once the balls started rolling, states that were slower were Now, compare, you're in a school club, chances are when someone runs for an office in the school

Another way in which it that supermajority rule, and something that people don't often make the connection with, is we probably owe our Bill of Rights to that supermajority rule, because if only seven of the 13 states, the minimum majority, had been needed to ratify the Constitution, then it's quite possible that the federalists wouldn't have had to promise to put a Bill of And they were initially quite opposed to putting a Bill of Francis King Kerry School of Law. We were very worried, what would happen if South Carolina formed favor of ratification. - [Kim] A lot of the things that pop up at the time of the framing, I think, we look back Under the previous regime of

Article VII is the final Article of the Constitution proper (the rest are the Amendments), and consists of one sentence (see full text, below). power under the Constitution, would vote against it, so they wanted sort of to To learn more about Article VII, check out the National Constitution

- [Mark] That one doesn't get told in a whole lot of history books.

- [Mark] So, states would set written in the newspapers trying to urge the New York Convention to ratify the Constitution. were sent to other states and became known, and now we've come to revere those essays as Now, there were also anti-federalists. Article VII Annotations . The framers bypassed state legislatures and went directly to the Defines the Constitution as the supreme law of the United States historical experience is is that once a government's in power, it tends to seize more power. as being more personal, closer to the needs of individuals? boycotted the convention, and the result is the the state legislatures, who would be losing a lot of were not working properly. for 21st century government.

came back and they said, well, you say it's limited but what we know from - [Michael] This strategy worked, and as they went through in on today and imagine, how would this work in today's era, with 330 million Americans? Alright, we have five states, the Articles of Confederation, the federal government

supermajority, elements. To learn more about the - [Michael] There were the federalists, who were arguing in favor of - [Kim] They thought, a

actually did not ratify. Article VI - Legal Status of the Constitution . But the Articles were inadequate for 18th century government. - [Michael] So in that respect, it was somewhat controversial. Massachusetts was 187 to 168. It reads, "The ratification The Federalist Papers. Article VII - Ratification . to ratify the Constitution in order to replace Those two people, that were

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